“Thriving in a new company culture by understanding its norms and expectations” is an article that delves into the importance of understanding and adapting to a company’s culture in order to succeed in a new role. The article emphasizes the changing dynamic of company culture and the need for individual accountability in defining and upholding it. It also provides practical steps for effectively managing culture during a merger and maintaining it in the long term. By focusing on factors such as customer experience and fostering a psychologically safe work environment, individuals within a team can come to a collective agreement on common values and drive the success of the company. Overall, this article shows the value of actively engaging with company culture and the potential for personal and professional growth through understanding and embracing its norms and expectations.

Character of a Business

When we speak of the character of a business, we are essentially delving into the intricate web of the company’s values, beliefs, behaviors, and overall organizational culture. Company culture is the heartbeat of an organization, pulsating through every facet of the business, from the way decisions are made to how employees interact with each other and with customers. It is a reflection of the norms, traditions, and collective mindset that shapes the identity and defines the modus operandi of the company. A strong and positive workplace culture is vital for the success, growth, and sustainability of any organization. It impacts employee satisfaction, productivity, and the ability to attract and retain top talent. Moreover, an organization’s culture extends its influence to the overall customer experience, innovation, and the ability to adapt to change and challenges within its industry.

At the core of every thriving company is its organizational culture. It is not merely a statement of values and beliefs that adorn the walls of the office, but rather it is the code by which employees conduct themselves. This culture can be explicitly expressed through mission and vision statements, as well as through the company’s formal and informal rules and practices. It encompasses the attitudes and expectations that guide interactions and relationships within the company and with external stakeholders. A positive company culture provides a fertile ground for cultivating creativity, open communication, and collaboration among employees, thereby giving the organization a competitive edge. It fosters an environment where employees feel motivated, engaged, and valued, leading to higher levels of productivity and overall success.

No Longer Possible Top-Down Approaches

In the past, the cultivation and preservation of company culture often relied on a top-down approach, with senior management dictating the values and behaviors that should be upheld within the organization. However, this traditional approach is no longer as effective in today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving business landscape. The paradigm shift brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other social and technological changes, has reshaped the way culture is perceived and nurtured within companies. Organizations have come to realize that for a culture to truly take root and thrive, it must be embraced and embodied at every level, from the executive suite to the front line of the workforce. In essence, a successful and enduring culture is one that is cultivated collaboratively, with shared ownership and participation from all employees, rather than being imposed from the top and expected to trickle down.

For a company culture to be resilient, adaptive, and reflective of the diverse needs and perspectives of its workforce, it is imperative to move away from rigid, top-down approaches. Embracing inclusivity, diversity, and a bottom-up flow of ideas and feedback is instrumental in shaping a dynamic and progressive organizational culture. This approach enables the organization to harness the collective intelligence, creativity, and insights of its employees, leading to a more authentic and resonant culture that is deeply embedded in the day-to-day experience of the entire workforce.

COVID-19 Has Changed Function

The unprecedented global disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for reevaluating and redefining the very essence of organizational culture. The seismic shift to remote work, virtual collaboration, and digital transformation has not only reconfigured the way work is conducted but has also profoundly influenced the dynamics of communication, employee engagement, and the overall employee experience. In response to these monumental changes, organizations have been compelled to reassess and recalibrate their company culture to ensure its alignment with the emerging demands and realities of the new work environment.

Amid the challenges and uncertainties brought about by the pandemic, the importance of human-centric and empathetic values in organizational culture has been magnified. Leaders have recognized the significance of fostering a culture that prioritizes employee well-being, mental health support, and work-life balance. Moreover, the imperative for fostering a culture of resilience, agility, and continuous learning has been underscored as organizations navigate through unprecedented levels of change and ambiguity. Embracing digital tools and platforms to foster a sense of community, collaboration, and shared purpose has become an integral part of sustaining and evolving organizational culture in the face of ongoing global challenges.

Heritage of Acquirer and the Acquired

When two organizations come together through a merger or acquisition, they bring with them unique heritages, traditions, and organizational cultures. The integration of these distinct cultural fabrics is a pivotal and delicate process that demands astuteness, sensitivity, and strategic direction. It is imperative to approach the convergence of the culture of the acquirer and the acquired with a deep understanding of the values, norms, and behavioral patterns that define each organization. Fostering a harmonious and cohesive culture in the wake of such monumental change requires a nuanced and deliberate effort to identify points of alignment, as well as areas of divergence, between the two organizational identities.

Recognizing and respecting the heritage and legacy of each organization’s culture is essential in navigating the complexities of a post-merger environment. This entails engaging in open and transparent dialogues that honor the unique strengths and contributions of both entities while also striving to cultivate a shared vision and set of values that can serve as the cornerstone for the newly integrated organization. By leveraging the strengths and best practices from both organizational cultures, it is possible to create a cohesive, enriched, and inclusive culture that reflects the collective wisdom and potential of the combined entity.

Diagnose and Understand Current Culture

The process of effectively managing and transforming an organization’s culture starts with a diligent and comprehensive diagnosis of the existing cultural landscape. It is essential to gain deep insights into the prevailing norms, behaviors, and beliefs that shape the fabric of the organization. This involves a meticulous examination of the formal and informal channels of communication, decision-making processes, power structures, and the overall employee experience within the organization. By understanding the current culture at a granular level, leaders and change agents can identify the inherent strengths and limitations that influence the organization’s performance, cohesiveness, and adaptability.

Furthermore, gaining a profound understanding of the organization’s current culture serves as the bedrock for orchestrating targeted interventions and initiatives aimed at realigning and evolving the culture to better serve the strategic objectives and the well-being of the employees. This diagnostic phase provides the necessary clarity and insight to discern the cultural attributes that are conducive to the organization’s success, as well as the areas that necessitate refinement, reinvention, or realignment with the evolving needs of the business and its stakeholders.

Identifying Integration Priorities

As organizations navigate through the intricate process of cultural integration, it becomes imperative to identify clear and compelling integration priorities that will guide the convergence of the distinct cultural elements. This involves discerning the strategic, operational, and experiential dimensions that are deeply entwined with the organization’s culture and have a tangible impact on its performance, cohesiveness, and the overall employee experience. Integration priorities may encompass areas such as leadership alignment and role modeling, the harmonization of core business processes and systems, the synchronization of communication strategies, and the cultivation of a unified and inclusive talent development and performance management framework.

By prioritizing and delineating clear integration imperatives, organizations can navigate through the complexities and ambiguities of cultural integration with a sense of purpose and direction. This strategic approach enables the organization to focus its efforts and resources on the most pivotal and transformative aspects of cultural convergence, thereby ensuring a cohesive, synchronized, and value-creating integration process that empowers the workforce and fortifies the organizational identity.

Hard-wire Changes and Giving Support

Effecting meaningful and enduring changes in the organizational culture necessitates a deliberate and systematic approach to hard-wire new norms, behaviors, and practices into the fabric of the organization. This entails instituting structural, procedural, and symbolic changes that embody and reinforce the desired cultural attributes and expectations. It is essential for the organization to align its policies, reward systems, decision-making frameworks, and organizational rituals with the envisaged cultural paradigm, thereby embedding the cultural metamorphosis into the very sinews of the organization’s modus operandi.

Furthermore, supporting the cultural transformation process demands a concerted and unwavering commitment to providing the necessary resources, guidance, and mentorship that will help employees at all levels of the organization embrace and internalize the changes. This support can manifest through comprehensive training and development programs, mentorship initiatives, and the establishment of feedback mechanisms that enable employees to actively participate in, contribute to, and derive a sense of ownership from the cultural evolution. Leaders and change agents play a pivotal role in championing the cultural transformation, serving as beacons of the new cultural ethos and providing inspiration, support, and guidance to the workforce as they embark on this transformative journey.

Psychologically Safe Environment

Creating a psychologically safe work environment is a cornerstone of a resilient, innovative, and high-performing organizational culture. A psychologically safe environment is one in which employees feel empowered to express their ideas, voice their concerns, and take calculated risks without fear of retribution or marginalization. It is a climate of trust, respect, and inclusivity that nurtures open communication, constructive dissent, and the free exchange of diverse perspectives. Fostering such an environment is instrumental in unleashing the full creative potential of the workforce, driving innovation, and cultivating a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Leaders and managers play a pivotal role in cultivating and sustaining a psychologically safe work environment by modeling authentic and transparent communication, actively soliciting and embracing feedback, and demonstrating a genuine commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. By fostering a culture of psychological safety, organizations can empower their employees to challenge the status quo, explore new frontiers of possibility, and engage in constructive dialogue and collaboration that propels the organization toward its strategic goals and aspirations.

Reinforce Culture to Instill New Norms

Reinforcing and instilling new cultural norms and expectations is a continuous and iterative process that demands unwavering dedication and strategic consistency. Cultivating a resilient and adaptive culture that is attuned to the evolving needs and challenges of the business requires a sustained and multifaceted approach to reinforcing the desired cultural attributes and behaviors. This entails the persistent communication and exemplification of the company’s core values, as well as the recognition and celebration of employees who embody and champion these values in their day-to-day roles and responsibilities.

By embedding the company’s values and cultural expectations into the fabric of everyday operations and interactions, organizations can engender a sense of collective ownership, commitment, and accountability toward the cultural transformation. This can be actualized through the integration of cultural metrics and goals into performance management frameworks, the establishment of formal and informal rituals and traditions that symbolize and sustain the culture, and the cultivation of narratives and stories that exemplify the embodiment of the company’s values in action. Through these concerted efforts, organizations can fortify their culture, align it with their strategic objectives, and foster a cohesive and empowered workforce that is poised to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of business and innovation.


of the identified headers directly address the concept of “understanding norms and expectations” in a new company culture. However, the overall theme of the article emphasizes the importance of actively managing and shaping company culture to ensure success, particularly in the face of changing circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic. By implementing strategies such as diagnosing current culture and identifying integration priorities, companies can create a psychologically safe environment and reinforce new norms to help employees thrive within the organization. Understanding and aligning with company norms and expectations is critical for adapting to a new culture and contributing to a positive work environment.