of us like to spend hours upon hours trying to perfect our resume, but it’s an important task if we want to land our dream job. Crafting a compelling resume is crucial in catching the attention of hiring managers and standing out among other applicants. In this article, we’ll discuss some key elements to consider when crafting your resume, from tailoring it to the specific job you’re applying to, to keeping it concise and using a clean and easy-to-read font. Let’s get started on creating a resume that gets noticed!

Tailor to the Specific Job

When you’re crafting your resume, it’s essential to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. This means that you should carefully review the job description and requirements, and then customize your resume to highlight the experiences, skills, and accomplishments most relevant to the position. By doing this, you can ensure that your resume aligns with the needs of the potential employer and captures their attention. Additionally, tailoring your resume for each application demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and the company, which can make a strong impression on hiring managers.

Furthermore, tailoring your resume also involves using keywords and phrases from the job posting. Many companies today use applicant tracking systems to screen resumes, and these systems often look for specific keywords that match the job requirements. By incorporating relevant keywords into your resume, you can increase the chances of your application making it past the initial screening process and being seen by human recruiters.

Another aspect of tailoring your resume is adjusting the language and tone to fit the company culture. For example, if you’re applying to a creative industry or a startup, you might adapt your resume to reflect a more innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. On the other hand, if the company has a more traditional corporate culture, your resume may need to convey a professional and polished tone. Adapting the language and overall presentation of your resume to resonate with the company’s culture can show that you would be a good fit for the organization.

Ultimately, the effort you put into tailoring your resume for each job application can significantly increase your chances of standing out as a strong candidate, so it’s worth the time and attention to detail.

Keep Concise

One of the most important principles to keep in mind when creating your resume is to keep it concise. In today’s competitive job market, hiring managers often have to review numerous applications, so they appreciate resumes that are clear, well-organized, and to the point. By keeping your resume concise, you make it easier for recruiters to quickly grasp the most important details of your professional background and qualifications.

When you’re striving for conciseness, focus on including only the most relevant and impactful information. This may involve streamlining your work experience to feature the most recent and significant roles, as well as the key accomplishments and responsibilities within each position. Additionally, consider condensing your education section to highlight your highest degree and any relevant certifications or training. By prioritizing the most pertinent details, you can prevent your resume from becoming overly long and tedious to review.

Moreover, maintaining a concise resume also means being selective with your language and using powerful, action-oriented verbs to describe your achievements and contributions. This can help you communicate a great deal of information in a brief and compelling manner. Remember that your goal is to pique the hiring manager’s interest and motivate them to learn more about your qualifications, so every word on your resume should serve this purpose.

In essence, a concise resume demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively and professionally, which are qualities that hiring managers value in potential candidates.

Highlight Achievements

When it comes to crafting a compelling resume, it’s crucial to go beyond simply listing your job responsibilities and instead focus on highlighting your professional achievements. Your accomplishments and contributions in previous roles provide concrete evidence of the value you can bring to a prospective employer, making them essential elements of your resume.

One effective way to showcase your achievements is to quantify them whenever possible. For instance, rather than stating that you “increased sales,” you could specify that you “increased sales by 30% within the first quarter,” which provides a much clearer and more impressive picture of your success. Similarly, if you implemented a new process that led to cost savings, revenue growth, or efficiency improvements, be sure to include specific figures or percentages to illustrate the impact of your work.

Additionally, consider using your achievements to tell a cohesive story of growth and success throughout your career. By organizing your accomplishments in a way that demonstrates progression and increasing levels of responsibility, you can create a narrative of professional development that enhances your appeal as a candidate.

Ultimately, highlighting your achievements not only sets you apart from other candidates but also helps hiring managers envision the tangible benefits of bringing you on board. It gives them a clear sense of your capabilities and the potential impact you could have within their organization, making a compelling case for why you should be considered for the position.

Clean & Easy-to-Read Font

While the content of your resume is, of course, the most critical aspect, the visual presentation also plays a significant role in how your document is received. One key element of the visual presentation is the choice of font. Opting for a clean, professional, and easy-to-read font can enhance the overall clarity and impact of your resume, ensuring that it is well-received by hiring managers and recruiters.

When selecting a font for your resume, it’s generally recommended to stick with classic and widely used options such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. These fonts are known for their readability and versatility, making them safe and effective choices for conveying your information. Additionally, using a consistent font throughout your resume helps maintain a cohesive and polished appearance, which reflects positively on your attention to detail and professionalism.

Equally important is the size of the font, as text that is too small can be difficult to read, while text that is too large may come across as unprofessional. Aim for a font size between 10 and 12 points to ensure optimal readability. You can also use slight variations in font size and formatting, such as bold or italics, to subtly emphasize different sections of your resume and guide the reader’s attention.

By prioritizing a clean and easy-to-read font, you create a positive first impression and make it effortless for hiring managers to engage with the content of your resume. Remember, the goal is to present your information in the most accessible and professional manner possible, and the right font choice is a simple yet effective way to contribute to that objective.

Professional Summary/Profile

At the top of your resume, including a professional summary or profile section provides a compelling snapshot of your qualifications and career goals. This brief yet impactful segment allows you to concisely communicate your expertise, experience, and the value you offer to potential employers, capturing their interest right from the start.

When crafting your professional summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant and noteworthy accomplishments, skills, and experiences. This is not the place for general, overused statements but rather an opportunity to offer a tailored and compelling overview of what sets you apart as a candidate. Consider addressing your professional strengths, unique expertise, and any specialized knowledge or certifications that are particularly relevant to the job you’re targeting.

In addition to emphasizing your qualifications, your professional summary can also convey your enthusiasm for the industry or specific role, and your commitment to contributing to the success of the company. By infusing this section with both professionalism and personality, you can create a powerful first impression that inspires hiring managers to continue reading your resume with genuine interest.

Remember that your professional summary sets the tone for the rest of your resume and serves as your initial opportunity to make a strong, compelling impression, so approach it as a strategic means to capture the attention of potential employers and distinguish yourself from other candidates.

Customize Job Descriptions

One of the most effective strategies to make your resume stand out is to customize the job descriptions within it. Rather than providing generic, one-size-fits-all descriptions of your past roles, take the time to tailor each job description to align with the specific requirements of the position you’re applying for. This tailored approach allows you to emphasize the aspects of your previous work experience that are most relevant and compelling to the potential employer.

When customizing your job descriptions, consider the key skills, experiences, and accomplishments that the prospective employer is seeking. Then, reframe and prioritize the details of your previous roles to highlight the ways in which your past experience has prepared you to excel in the new position. This may involve adjusting the language you use, adding or removing specific responsibilities or achievements, and emphasizing certain skills or areas of expertise that are particularly relevant to the job at hand.

Moreover, customizing your job descriptions demonstrates a proactive and thoughtful approach to your application, indicating to hiring managers that you are genuinely invested in the opportunity and willing to put in the effort to present yourself as the ideal candidate. It also allows you to provide a clear and compelling narrative of your professional journey, showcasing how each of your past roles has uniquely equipped you to succeed in the position you’re pursuing.

By customizing your job descriptions, you not only make your resume more relevant and impactful but also show hiring managers that you’ve taken the time to understand their needs and align your experience with the requirements of the job, which can set you apart as a diligent and detail-oriented candidate.

Save as PDF

After investing time and effort into crafting a compelling and polished resume, it’s crucial to ensure that it retains its formatting and visual integrity when it’s viewed by hiring managers and recruiters. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to save your resume as a PDF, as this format preserves the layout, fonts, and overall design of your document, regardless of the device or software used to open it.

When you save your resume as a PDF, you provide hiring managers with the assurance that they will see exactly what you intended them to see, without any risk of formatting errors or discrepancies. This attention to detail and professionalism in presenting your application can make a positive impression and reflect well on your commitment to thorough and thoughtful communication.

Furthermore, saving your resume as a PDF also helps to prevent accidental alterations or edits, ensuring that your document remains pristine and unchanged throughout the application process. This can be particularly crucial when submitting your resume to companies that utilize applicant tracking systems, as these systems rely on consistent formatting and keyword optimization to accurately parse and assess your application.

In essence, by saving your resume as a PDF, you take a proactive step to preserve the quality and presentation of your document, demonstrating a level of care and attention to detail that can set you apart as a professional and conscientious candidate.

Include Name on File

When you’re saving your resume on your computer, it’s a simple yet often overlooked best practice to include your name as part of the file name. By including your name in the file, you make it easier for hiring managers and recruiters to identify and organize your application within their systems, especially if they have numerous resumes to review.

Additionally, including your name in the file name adds a personal and professional touch to your application. It shows that you are detail-oriented and considerate of the hiring manager’s experience, which can leave a positive impression. Moreover, a personalized file name also makes it less likely that your resume will be lost or misplaced, as it clearly associates the document with your identity.

For instance, rather than saving your resume file as a generic name like “Resume” or “CV,” consider a format such as “First Name_Last Name_Resume,” which is clear, specific, and easily identifiable. This small but meaningful gesture can contribute to a more organized and efficient application review process for hiring managers, potentially working in your favor as they navigate through numerous candidate profiles.

Ultimately, including your name in the file name is a simple yet impactful step that demonstrates your professionalism, attention to detail, and consideration for the ease of use and organization of your application by potential employers.

Proofread for Errors

Before finalizing and sending out your resume, it’s absolutely essential to thoroughly proofread the entire document to catch and correct any errors or inconsistencies. Even minor mistakes such as typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues can detract from the professionalism and credibility of your resume, so taking the time to conduct a comprehensive proofreading process is well worth the effort.

When proofreading your resume, start by carefully reviewing the content for spelling and grammar errors, ensuring that all text is polished and free of any language mistakes. Pay close attention to details such as dates, job titles, and contact information, verifying that they are accurate and consistently formatted throughout the document. It can also be helpful to read your resume out loud, as this can reveal awkward phrasing or areas that may need further refinement.

In addition to language and formatting, check for overall coherence and consistency in the content of your resume. Confirm that the information presented aligns with the job requirements and the overall narrative you aim to convey about your professional background and expertise. Look for any potential areas of ambiguity or vague language, and make necessary revisions to ensure that your resume communicates a clear and compelling message.

Moreover, consider enlisting a second pair of eyes to review your resume, as another person may catch mistakes or offer valuable feedback that you might have overlooked. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or professional contact, an outside perspective can provide valuable insights and help you identify and address any remaining issues in your resume.

Ultimately, the process of proofreading your resume is a critical step in presenting yourself as a competent and detail-oriented professional. A thoroughly reviewed and error-free resume communicates a high level of dedication and care, which can significantly enhance the overall impact of your job application.

Resume Builders

Rezi, LooopCV, and Jobscan are all resume optimization tools that can help you improve your chances of getting an interview. However, there are some key differences between the three platforms. Rezi is a more basic tool that focuses on keyword matching and resume formatting. It does not provide as much in-depth analysis or feedback as LooopCV or Jobscan. LooopCV is a more comprehensive tool that offers a wider range of features, including a resume builder, a cover letter scanner, and a LinkedIn optimization tool. It also provides more in-depth feedback on your resume and cover letter. Jobscan is the most expensive of the three options, but it also offers the most features. In addition to everything that LooopCV offers, Jobscan also includes an ATS compatibility checker and a job tracker tool


Of the tips and tricks for creating the perfect resume will matter if you don’t have a well-crafted, compelling summary that highlights your strengths and accomplishments. Remember to tailor your resume for each specific job, keep it concise and easy-to-read, and proofread for any errors. With these key elements in place, your resume is sure to stand out and get noticed by potential employers.